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Designing content frameworks is the foundation to all development in the learning solution space. The right framework will allow for scale and localization and effective evaluation of the content. Our Intel Teach Program has been able to train over 15 million teachers in over 70 countries. Our material has been translated into over 34 languages. I currently just collaborated on a content framework for a brand new program for "Next Generation of Innovators" that will launch world-wide this year. From face to face, blended or online learning, it is all about the content framework. The images show the self-study courses (and links) my team and I developed along with other resources as well as the newly developed program framework recently developed with my team. 



Designing Global Content Frameworks 
Utilizing the Right Technology Effectively  
Designing World Class Trainings to Scale
Although I am mainly a content and instructional designer and community strategist, the technology drives the end user experience. For this reason, I am obsessed with exploring new technologies and learning what can be done. I am never satisfied completely so I am always learning new tools. I have become an expert on many platforms including Jive, Adobe (Connect, Presenter and Captivate), Moodle, Drupal, various badging and gamification platforms (e.g. Bunchball, Red Critter, Mozilla Open Source), Facebook, Twitter and our Intel owned platforms. It never ends but, I love the discovery and learning process to find the right technology for the right outcome-or finding someone to create it! 
Developing and implementing a training program that eventually trained over 15 million adult learners does not happen without a world class training system. My team and I have scale and localization down to a science. I have been responsible for creating facilitation material and making sure it works on the ground. Our toolkits consist of detailed spreadsheets of all resources, word counts, raw files for content, video and images, and a sequence plan. Seeing firsthand how our program is delivered has been essential in informing what needs to change. Meeting with the implementers on the ground in advance and building capacity has allowed me to tour the world and gain a deep respect for other cultures and system. 
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